Portae Lucis: Ceres ⚳ - Week 8

 Ceres ⚳

This one caught my eye immediately and it may be speaking of a compelling story about redemption. This dwarf-planet is ready to move into a new sign; the sign of Aries, and the first house - like a true resurrection! It sits between two Arabic points of children and rebirth. Look at how interesting this is: 

It calls forth tension the way it is right now. It isn't truly near the Ascendant just yet. There are still things that need to be done in order for it to see the light of day.

Ceres speaks of natural cycles; it has been given the connections with nature and with motherhood. In a way, as it is positioned here, it reminds me of the phenomenon of genetic memory. Experiences and events that can be passed down many generations, sometimes considered an irrationality when approached from a surface level, but it actually plays a very important part in our survival. These memories can be passed down from mother to child. And one way to show the effectiveness of genetic memory, is by discussing the effects of the Moon.

So, in other words, The Ancestor has a huge say in this particular horary chart. [To see the full chart and introduction, click here.]

Polarised Light

Throughout the ages, the moon has been associated with cycles, but also irrationality and lunacy. This may be due to the fact the light of the moon does affect our sleep cycles, even when we do not directly perceive it. It is innate in our systems; something we have universally inherited from our ancestors.

Please have a look at this particular article from the University of Washington.

And with that, how oddly interesting it is that the idea of genetic memory, the moon is associated with the Sephira Yesod. It is as though the moon is the first Gate we must go through to gain a holistic understanding of us as a species. It is not the only means, obviously! But it lends itself to be used as a strong metaphor and an intuitive nudge into the right direction. 

The satellite is inspiring us as a means to try to understand what's beyond our sphere of understanding, orbiting our planet. Because it's a fixture in our lives for many generations, it has a strange unconscious effect on us. It has witnessed a rise and fall, a flux and reflux, of Gaia's inhabitants and we have witnessed it in return. So it is no surprise that we are innately tied to one another after all.

Saturday the 27th, it shall be a full moon in Virgo and it will conjunct Orcus. The forces of a spiritual plane much more powerful are shining through here. The night is as dark, as the moon shall be bright.

Sacrifice and Redemption

Ceres is also associated with sacrifice. You could think of the story of Demeter whose daughter Korē, was kidnapped by Hades and tricked to stay in the Underworld. The Goddess was, as any mother would, inconsolable with the loss of her child. And so, according to the Mythos, the seasons were created - a time of winter, where Korē would be in the Underworld, and a time of spring, where she would return to the surface. It was a cycle about grief and loss, about birth and celebration. 

Now then, let's have a look at Chiron, for it needs to be discussed in this particular duality. Chiron, that almost - not quite - conjuncts the Ascendant.

To be continued...


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